How to Set Up Parental Controls on the Nintendo Switch

With so many different features and limitless new content available to video game consoles these days, it’s important that we think about what our kids have access to.

If you don’t want your kids coming across materials that are inappropriate for their age, or just want to limit the amount of time they’re spending on the games, there’s an easy way to set up parental controls on the Nintendo Switch.

Parental Controls App

Nintendo has released an app on iOS and Android called Nintendo Switch Parental Controls. Through it you can set time limits, set content rating restrictions, and see who has been playing what game and for how long.

All you need to use it a Nintendo account and a smartphone.

Activating Parental Controls

Make sure you have your smartphone and Nintendo Switch are nearby and charged. You will also need a Nintendo account. If you don’t have one, you go to the Nintendo website or create one in the app.

  1. Open the Nintendo Switch Parental Control app.
  2. Tap Start.
  3. Decide whether or not you want to allow the app to send usage data to Nintendo and hit OK.
  4. Follow the prompts to sign into your account or, if you don’t already have one, create a new account.
  5. You should now see a 6 digit code on your screen. Follow the instructions as you scroll down on your screen to link your Nintendo Switch to your account.
  6. Scroll to select the time limit you want to establish and tap Next.
  7. Choose one of the preset restriction settings. These will limit the accessible features of the Switch to those Nintendo deemed appropriate for that age group. If you want to a little more control over the settings, you can choose Custom Settings and below you will be able to select what your kids can access.

Now that you’ve set up your restrictions, if you want to change them, just tap Console Settings at the bottom of your screen and you will see the settings you can change.

Keep Things Safe

These settings are a great resource when working to ensure your kids are being responsible with video games. And the app makes it easy to change the settings as the need arises. You also have easy to read records of what games your kids have been playing and for how long.

However, the best way to keep your kids safe when online or playing video games is to be with them and stay engaged. Parental Controls are great tools to help, but nothing beats your presence.